What i love, love, love about art, why I seek it out, why I travel across continents for it's history, why I forgo things normal people would deem logical priorities... is that art is physical manifestation of ideas. Plain and simple.
So, today I would define art as a manifestation of ideas which represents the artist/author's comprehension of historical fact, present moment, and a comment on the future in the form of physical/visual/tactile/auditory/experiential form.
The ideas I am most drawn to are those that are personal. Tiny but firm statements of notions that represent contemplation and comprehension of the gravity and possible implications of a subject. Combine that with physical (formal) tactile, visual, auditory, experiential qualities and you have something enriching. I want to be challenged. I want art to inform me and yet ask a question of me. I want art to be aware of itself but not overly aware and contrived. I want to be rewarded for my efforts of viewership. Some works do not reward as much as others- this could be based on the artist's intent or their failure. Recently, I became aware of this fact - this need or feeling of entitlement as viewer- to be rewarded for being a good viewer- this could be a bad thing. I will stop on this point for today.