Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Whoa nellie!
What is this painting doing?

My exercise for today is to talk about what my painting is actually doing. Here goes:
Perhaps the basis of perception is that everything we know and trust is measured with our senses. What role does intuition play? That impulse that negates and supercedes our empirical senses is a powerful, undeniable force. Our empirical senses are our equipment with which to measure and navigate the world. And art is one of the forerunners that fucks with them.
As an art viewer, do you willingly subject yourself to surrender? Do you willingly engage in order to question your empirical senses? Suspend your disbelief? How willingly do you disengage with habit and familiarity in order to engage in another form of reality and ideology? What does my work demand of you, the viewer? Is it purely rewarding? Is that enough to satisfy me? If not, exactly why?
How can a visual trope without a clear/literal allusion challenge or inform a viewer? How can marks, colors, composition, and facture reward, challenge, answer, question, stand the test of time (resonate after 50 years and not appear dated or exemplary of a specific decade?- and if it successful enough to do that, what would it look like???)?
What will researching the perception subject bring to the content and form of the paintings?
What kind of interweaving process of research/conceptualizing/planning and making can I develop to produce objects and situations?
What is the method in which I will pursue/research the subject?
In what way will I then approach the paintings?
In what way do I approach the relationship with those that buy my paintings?
In what way do I approach museums, galleries, or art spaces that would like to feature the work?
What role then does the research play?
What form does research take in terms of archiving?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
For now, I define art as something that is artificial. If done well, it can stand the test of time to illuminate the past, present, and future. Although it is not necessarily an object, documentation does currently play a key role in posterity and communication. It exists first in the mind of the artist then in the mind of the viewer.
What I enjoy about art is that when I experience a piece of art, it stays with me and is later manifested consciously or unconsciously in what I make or in my daily life. Art has become both filter and a large set of ideas that I can apply to my everyday navigation of life.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
The Big D
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Painting That Crashed and Burned
Monday, April 14, 2008
For Like Sure
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I don't believe that "everything has been done before." I just don't. I do believe that the forces that be (mass media and such) don't illuminate things that are new and different, that cross boundaries and re-examine history. This structure of influence and exposure makes it necessary to turn over rocks on the Internet and follow breadcrumbs of influences in order to find the really heady stuff. It's there. Though it might be thinly veiled and require some effort to access. "Original thought" is also a myth. No one has a thought that isn't built upon one or one-hundred thoughts of others before them. Those thoughts just come in different packages- be it a loaf of bread, a man-hole cover, a poster, a wrapper, a building structure, music, religion, theory, etc. And I am proud to absorb everything around me in order to make "new" work. Just give it props! Do people genuinely believe they came up with something completely on their own?
Monday, January 21, 2008
The Richard Simmons of Wondering
Wondering needs to be fostered and nurtured in order to grow. Sometimes I wonder if Wondering itself is a luxury, but now I believe I can lead my life however I determine. That does mean sacrifice in other areas. In order to foster creativity and wondering, i has to be at the top of my daily agenda. Over the last two years, I have learned I am more energized and satisfied if I put all my efforts into a smaller number of categories. Life can get away from me if I don't focus and exercise self-discipline to get into the studio.
Friday, January 18, 2008
The Passion is the Painting
This revealing thing, in painting, is intrinsic to the process for me. But writing about it is a whooole different ballgame. And so this blog will stand for me as an exercise to reveal more. Reveal more about the process, the raging frustrations, the challenges, the rewards, the ebbs and flows, about what goes on behind the painting surface.
And it's out there for complete strangers to judge. Scary... I know.